Getting the perfect shot can be challenging.
We are all familiar with the struggle to take the best photo. I usually have to take 10-20 shots before I see one I want to use. Taking selfies isn’t enough to have quality images to occupy this space, so in order to get the perfect shot, there are several methods I employ. I wanted to share them with you, so keep reading!
(1/5) Instagram Husband
This is first on my list because recently this has been the method I use the most. I take better pictures when I am comfortable with the person behind the camera. Knowing that Pat is doing everything he can to help me get the best images, puts me at ease. He also won’t stop until I am happy with the results.
S/O to my darling boyfriend who I guilted into learning photography. Yes, I guilted Pat by saying, “I’m super jealous of bloggers who have boyfriends who are photographers.” He got the passive message and decided to learn photography alongside me.
(2/5) Use a Tripod
I use a tripod fairly often. In fact, I just used one when I took the photos for this post. Using a tripod has seriously helped me in my photography journey. You learn angles quickly when you have to shoot with a stationary camera. I feel like, as an amateur photographer, I learn the most when I am both photographer and subject, so this method is honestly one that I enjoy the most.
Unfortunately, I don’t feel comfortable shooting this way in a public space. I’m always worried someone might jack my camera right in front of me when I’m trying to take a selfie. lol
Side note: Forgo the self-timer mode and get yourself a trigger / remote for your camera. I have a Nikon, so I use this one here.
(3/4) Use your friends!
If you are out and about with your friends, stop and ask them to take some photos of you. Everyone has a cell phone these days, so it’s not like they won’t understand how to take a picture. Since they are your friends, there is no shame in giving them some direction. i.e., shoot lower, or higher, or in portrait v horizontal.
(4/5) Blogger Meet Ups
In this digital age, meeting people with similar interests is easy. Research some Facebook groups to join, or reach out to people on Instagram and build that connection. You could easily meet up with some cool bloggers who may be willing to help you take photos in exchange for helping them take theirs.
(5/5) Hire a professional photographer
Of course, if you can afford it, hire a pro! They know exactly what they’re doing, so all you have to do is find someone who shoots in the style you like.
What do you do to get the perfect shot?
Bag (here)
Coat (similar here)
Jeans (similar here)
Striped Sweater (similar here)
Knee High Boots (similar here)