Finding Inspiration in Virginia

inspiration in virginia 2

📍Skyline Drive, VA
Take Me Home, Country Roads

I spent a couple days in Virginia and it was nice to disconnect and take in some fresh air. We spent a lot of time on the road. Every time we stopped there was always something magnificent in view. I actually discovered a great song which summed up how positive this trip was for me. Night Bus by Gabrielle Aplin. You guys can check it out here. Pay attention to the lyrics and see if you can figure out what she’s singing about. 

I’ve been in an extended funk lately; I just haven’t felt inspired. I feel like I hit a wall, or a entered into a creative stagnation. Despite that, this trip was an eye-opener for me. As much as I hate to admit it, plateauing is a crucial part of the process of growth.

If you are constantly improving, you don’t get the opportunity look back to see how far you’ve come.  Everyone needs the chance to see where their mistakes were made. After this trip, I have a new appreciation for what I do. I have worked hard to get to where I am, and I am proud. Always remember:

It’s not about the end goal, but the journey.


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