Art frames are typically expensive if you don’t know where to look.
People giveaway frames all the time. Even retailers who are unable to sell their seasonal framed artwork will donate their products to thrift stores. This is why I always check out local thrift stores for beautiful frames. Frames that house pre-sealed art can still be used if you are willing to put in a little work.
So after my most recent trip to Goodwill, I found this framed piece and immediately fell in love with the wood frame. However, I couldn’t decide if I liked the already framed art. Unsure, I took to Instagram and polled everyone to see what they thought. General consensus was that I should frame my own art! That’s when I decided it was time to rip into this sealed bad boy.
Step One
To start, remove the backing material. Don’t be scared to rip into it. Typically it’s just paper and not material you need to reuse. These kinds of frames are not meant to be ‘reopened’ after they’ve been assembled; however, you can easily convert the backing later. Once all the paper was removed, I took pliers and pulled out each of the staples so that I could take the artwork out.
Step Two
Next, I needed to remove the canvas from the cardboard and avoid tearing it. I tried my best to keep the cardboard backing in tact, as I was separating the materials. After I was finished, the original art was still in great shape and decided to hold onto it. Who knows, I might have an opportunity to use it in the future.
Step Three
Inspired by some form line drawings I saw on Pinterest, I decided to draw my own version on large watercolor paper. First, I sketched it in pencil, then took a sharpie and went over the lines. Next, I mixed some acrylic paint for the organic shapes and botanicals, and carefully filled them in.
Step Four
After my painting was dry, I placed it back in the frame and used tape to hold the backing together. You can also use thin wood scraps to act as a buffer or wedge if you want some extra security. I’m going to hang this in my master bathroom!
If you liked my framed art and want to get yourself a similar version check out my Etsy! I just uploaded an original 11×14 in piece to my Etsy store!