If you are looking for a unique guestbook idea for your special day, I’ve got you.
I’m all about unconventional and I love fun ideas like this to help make your wedding day more special. Puzzle pieces have always been a symbol for finding the perfect partner – the perfect fit. Doing puzzles together is also a fun and engaging activity to do with your loved one. With that said, this puzzle guestbook is the perfect addition to your wedding day. Here’s how to make it –
Things You’ll Need:
Buy a Puzzle + Assemble
I bought my puzzle from the clearance section of Home Goods. I purchased mine because it was only $2 and because the completed dimensions are 18×12 inches, perfect for a frame. The puzzle doesn’t need to be pretty, but you want to pick one that will be easy to put together in a few days. I would not recommend thrifting an open puzzle – you may find that pieces are missing.
Glue to Panel
Most new frames come with a back panel to seal artwork and photographs. I decided to glue my puzzle to this, before painting it. I found it easiest to put a thin layer of glue down then slide the completed puzzle onto the panel. Don’t be surprised if a few pieces come loose – but be careful that you don’t break a big portion of the puzzle during this process. For any areas you may want to add extra glue, lift each piece and add glue to the back. I added a thin layer of glue to the top of the completed puzzle for added security. The great thing about Mod Podge is that it glues completely transparent!
Paint + Design
I wanted my puzzle to be white, so once the glue dried I spray painted it. If you want to paint a design on it, you can use acrylic paint! Use tracing paper to transfer fonts you like by printing a traceable sample. Go over any tracing marks with a paint marker, sharpie, or paint. It’s hard to tell, but if you look carefully at the image above, you can see a fine outline of the design I went with.
Now, all that’s left is getting some folks to sign it! You can use a paint marker or a sharpie for this. I actually photoshopped some signatures onto the photos so you can get a better idea of how it will look once it’s signed. When our bachelor/ette parties come around we will get our wedding party to sign it. I can’t wait!!
If you haven’t had your engagement party yet, this could also be a fun way to have your guests leave you notes on the engagement if they can’t stay due to COVID. I’m actually planning on using the puzzle for our bachelorette + bachelor party, so we can have special notes from our family and friends in our wedding party. They’re probably going to be as busy as us on the big day, and may not be able to leave us messages in our guestbook.